Yoga Community and Scholarship: A Blessing In Disguise

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

April 7, 2016

Yoga has been adopted by thousands as a transformative science for many years and it is still picking up on the global platform. Every year we receive stats based on which we can  conclude yoga fanaticism is on a hike. As per a report from, 36.7 million Americans or 15% of US adults practiced yoga in the US, up from 20.4M in 2012 while 34% of Americans or 80 Million Americans will likely practice yoga at some point in the next 12 months. This clearly indicates the growing inclination. But with increasing number of yoga practitioners every year, we need ample amount of good, educated and informed yoga teachers as well, which is sadly not the case. As the demand increases, the supply should increase as well otherwise people might lose in the battle of health.


The significance of a good yoga teacher cannot be emphasized upon enough because only with a learned teacher can we hope to have a safe, informative, and reforming yoga class, which will keep the students, entertained and benefited. The reason why we do not have good teachers with a strong foundation can be blamed on the financial limitations faced by yoga practitioners. These are the people who feel passionate about yoga, but are unable to make their ends meet. Here is why you or your loved one who are yoga practitioners and want to pursue yoga teacher training course should opt for a yoga teacher training scholarship programs:

Financial Aid:

Firstly and most importantly, the obvious benefit of yoga teacher training scholarship program is the financial aid they offer. Sometimes, the total cost of flying to the oriental land of India or Bali or Thailand for a yoga teacher training course might be a strain  on the pocket. The travel expenses, staying, travelling, shopping, communication all of these little bits makes a lot. Therefore, it is best to apply for a scholarship. There are many decent schools like Rishikul Yogshala in Rishikesh and others, who are offering yoga education at no cost at all. Removing the financial barrier, these schools in the world that offer scholarship are driven by the desire to help yoga reach the corners of the world. With such a great cost reduction, becoming a certified yoga teacher and beginning to teach becomes easier, achievable and affordable.


Reaching Goals:

We often have a habit of putting our dreams and goals at bay due to the constant demands of everyday life. An excuse that many capable yoga practitioners give to themselves is ‘I don’t have enough money or investment to become a yoga teacher’ for not applying for their dream yoga teacher training school. But with a yoga teacher training program where you do not have to pay for your yoga education, this excuse goes out of the window. You get a step closer to your dream of becoming a yoga teacher. Have the courage to chase your goals, as the help is just a step away.

Increased Focus:

A need teaches us more than a desire and this is especially true in this case. If you have a dream, which is like a need because you have saved for it, given up other pleasures of life for it and thought of it everyday before closing your eyes at night, then you will value it more than someone to whom it came easily. An average of 3 out of 6 students are not serious about their yoga teacher training course and join it for reasons like just for fun, did not know what else to do or my friend was doing it. But with a financial favor hanging on your head, you will find yourself more productive, responsible and focused when it comes to your classes. This motivation will increase your retaining power in the classes and help you form a stronger base as a teacher.

This is not to say, one should apply for a scholarship even when they can afford it because then you will be earning bad karma, but this point is made only to encourage more and more people who need financial aid and are putting it at bay for some reason.


Befriend Like-Minded People:

Scholarship programs (where other students who have also made it with scholarships) can act as a platform to meet like-minded people and open new doors of opportunities. Imagine meeting someone from your area and you can chalk out a business plan together or you could make friends with someone who has a studio of his/her own or knows someone who can help you out. In a yoga teacher training scholarship program you might meet more open-minded people who are willing to network more than a regular yoga teacher training course because of their need to make it big without any financial backup.

If these points make sense to you, we would insist on starting to look for a school which can best cater to your requirements and is also offering scholarships. Yet another way to get connected to more and more schools is to write to them if they will be willing to offer scholarship due to your financial constraints. Let go off the hesitation!

To Know more about the Yoga Community and Scholarship, join yoga teacher training in India.

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