Teacher Training Course for an Effective Introduction to the 5 Key Elements of Yoga

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

February 1, 2017

Looking for a solid foundation of healthy living? Embrace the principles of yoga, the great art of mind-body wellness which originated in ancient India and paved a path of universal love and spiritual upliftment for all of the humanity. To sow the seeds of yogic wisdom in yourself, you are welcome to undergo yoga training in the land of its birth.

In India, elaborate yoga teacher training courses are conducted which not only paves a noble career path for the participants but also comes with great personal rewards by introducing the five fundamentals of traditional yoga, thus:

 Builds Physical Fortitude with Asana


Though Yoga thought delineates the physical world from the spiritual, a great emphasis is laid upon physical stamina and fitness. The purpose is to heighten the body to a great degree of awareness in which spiritual awakening is possible. Keeping this ideal at the core, yoga teacher training held in the birth land of this science will effectively guide you to physical wellness by following a course of rigorous asanas, addressing various systems of the body separately and also holistically.

Harmonizes the Body and Mind with Pranayama


The element of breath in yoga of India is the mark of distinction. In stark comparison with the Western method of yoga, the breath-intensive yoga of India is about cultivating the life force within and gaining control over the same by regulation of breath at all times, in wakefulness and sleep. To induce equipoise in breathing is understood to be the balancing factor for both mind and body. Intensive lessons in pranayama or yogic breathing techniques form a big part of any yoga teacher training course in India.

Relaxes and Rejuvenates with Restfulness


If you have had the impression that yoga is all about rigorous asanas, here is a relief. Restful postures are as much a part of yoga as is dynamism. The well-recognized corpse posture is the best example of restfulness in yoga. This involves lying relaxingly on the mat, allowing each part of your being exhale tension and your mind focusing in on the present. The corpse” or savasana is naturally integrated with the meditational stage of yoga Nidra or mindful sleep. At a yoga teacher training in India, you will have guided sessions in yoga Nidra, continuous practice of which will improve your concentration power and calmness of the mind.

Regulates Balance with Pure Vegetarian Diet

Dietary routine is highly important in the yoga way of life. In complementation with Ayurveda, the science of healing of the Vedic India, Yoga prescribes a balanced diet. Vegetarianism is almost integral to this because it surpasses cruelty to animal life and also ensures better rejuvenation. Training in yoga at an institute in India will help you in the following vegetarianism effortlessly, as Ayurvedic lessons are integrated into the overall curriculum.

Encourages Positive Thinking with Meditation

Guided meditation in yoga learning is important for finding the true self by delving deep within. It is also a great path to turn to for those disenchanted from the cynicism of life in general. To be able to find joy and godliness even in the most insignificant of things is something to be initiated into, served perfectly by the education provided in a yoga teacher training course in India. This is a training to help you navigate steadily on the path of love, hope, and eternal joyfulness.

To know more about the Key Elements of Yoga in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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