5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Fatigue

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

May 2, 2018

When living a modern lifestyle– you know what it feels like to be depleted. No energy left at the end of the day. Exertion, emotional stress, anxiety, and insomnia are the characteristics of a fast-paced lifestyle that take over the physical and emotional health of a person. The frequent experiences of low energy levels and fatigue are the precursors to many health issues including thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalances.

Many believe that yoga is a powerful treatment for fatigue as it combines the tools of yoga postures, breathing techniques, and meditation that helps clear the brain fog and body fatigue. The performance of yoga postures works on clearing the blocked energy channels, improving the blood circulation, stretching the body, and aids in combating the fatigue and boosting vitality.

Try these five excellent yoga poses for fatigue for instant revival:

1. Big Toe Pose (Padangusthasana): An effective yoga posture that stretches the body and helps reduce pain and fatigue.


Steps: Stand upright on a yoga mat with feet about 6 inches apart.

Exhale, bend forward at the hips. Ensure your legs are completely straight.

Hold the toes with your fingers. Keep your elbows straight and lengthen your front torso.

Keep your forehead in a relaxed state.

Hold the posture for 60 seconds.

2. Downward Facing Dog Pose ( Adho Mukha Svanasana): Give a nice stretch to your shoulders, arms, and legs while releasing all your tensions and worries.


Steps: Kneel on a yoga mat. Place your hands under your shoulders and knees beneath your hips.

Exhale, lift the knees off the floor and curl your toes inward.

Slowly begin to straighten your legs one by one and come into an inverted “V” position.

Raise your hips high towards the ceiling and align your head with the upper arms.

Gaze at your navel and hold this posture for 10-20 deep breaths.

3. Half Moon Pose ( Ardha Chakrasana): Perform this balancing yoga posture and get instant relief from fatigue, headache, backache, and so much more.


Steps: Begin with an extended triangle pose. As you breathe out, firmly press your hand and feet into the floor and extend your right leg.

Now, lift your left leg equidistant to the floor.

Slightly rotate the torso towards your left side with left hand on the left hip.

Keep your head in a neutral position and gaze in a forward direction.

Make sure your right leg bears the maximum weight of your body.

Hold this posture for 30 seconds.

4. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana): A great yoga asana for calming the mind and releasing the fatigue. It also stretches the spine and maintains the hips in good health.


Steps: Lie straight on your back on a yoga mat. With an exhalation, bend your knees and pull them towards the stomach.

With an inhalation, extend your arms in front and catch hold of the feet with your palms.

Spread your knees wider than your torso and bring them close to your armpits.

Ensure each ankle is positioned under your knee and shins are perpendicular to the floor.

Remain in this pose for 20-30 seconds.

5. Plow Pose (Halasana): Beat your insomnia with a plow pose. The pose reduces a backache, depression and gives a boost to the energy levels.


Steps: Begin with a Salamba Sarvangasana. Now, exhale and bend at the hips.

Slowly, lower your toes above and beyond the head and rest them on the floor.

Try to keep your torso vertical to the ground and legs fully stretched.

Raise your tailbone towards the ceiling and drift your chin away from the sternum.

Either support your back with your hands or clasp them on the floor.

Hold this yoga pose for as long as you like.

Owing to various lifestyle gaps, we may feel exhausted and tired. Incorporate these yoga asanas for fatigue in your health regimen and restore your energy levels naturally. Make sure you listen to your body for favorable outcomes.

To know about these wonderful yoga poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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