5 Excellent Yoga Poses to Help with Arthritis

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

June 25, 2018

People living with the condition of Arthritis experience pain, stiffness, a decreased range of motion, and above all, a diminished quality of life. It affects the person physically, mentally, and even socially. Arthritis is not easy to live with, but there is a way to change and cope with this problem.

An effective self-care tool of yoga is extremely beneficial for patients battling the symptoms of Arthritis, back pain, stiffness, and inflammation. “Working through the pain” with the science of yoga is possible for managing various arthritic conditions including ankylosing spondylitis issues.

Yoga poses for arthritis are safe for the muscles and joints of the body that trigger a relaxation response and improve the overall functioning as well. Many health experts believe that controlled movement performed in correct alignment are great medicines for the osteoarthritis condition. And, Yoga, being the greatest natural body science of healing has the most effective movements and postures for the arthritis patients.

Practice these top five yoga postures for Arthritis:

1. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana): Stand tall on a yoga mat. Shift the body weight to the left leg and stand still. Bend the right leg at the knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. The right heel should rest close to the perineum. Either stretch the arms upward or join them together in front of the heart chakra. Fix the drishti at a point in front. Hold this pose for 20 seconds.


Variations: Practitioners can rest the foot on the calf or the ankle.

Practice the pose against the wall for extra balance.

Challenge yourself by closing the eyes and stretching the arms upward.

2. Bridge Pose (Setu-Bandhasana): Lie flat on the floor with bent knees. Firm the feet on top of a mat and arms by your side. Press the feet and hands down to raise the hips and lower back up from the floor. Keep the head, neck, and shoulders on the ground. Keep the thighs parallel to the ground. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds.


Variations: Practice the restorative version of this pose by placing the block under the sacrum.

Deepen the stretch of arms by clasping the hands together under the back.

People with tight shoulders should keep the arms to the sides.

3. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana): Sit on the ground in an upright stance (similar to staff pose). Bend the right leg and place the sole on the floor. Slide the left leg underneath the right one and rest the foot on the outside of the right hip. Adjust yourself in the pose until you are sitting evenly on both the hips. Take the left arm over the left shoulder behind the back. Fold the right arm to the side and rest at the center of the back. Hook the fingers of both hands. Roll the shoulders blades back and down. Gaze upward. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.


Variations: Sit on a height like a block or blanket for extra support to the hips.

Lift the hips above the knee level to decrease the stress in the hips and knees.

Use a strap between the hands.

4. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana): Begin in Tadasana. Step the feet few inches apart. Stretch one foot out with toes towards the edge of the yoga mat. Turn the other foot to 45-degree angle. The heels of both the feet should be aligned in a single line. Raise one arm upward and extend the other towards the ground. Gently look at the thumb of the raised arm. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds.


Variations: Perform the pose against a surface to improve stability.

For more support, rest the hand on a block.

One can extend the arm beyond the ear so that it becomes parallel to the floor.

5. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand with a straight spine and arms by the side of the body. Straighten the legs and evenly press the four corners of the feet. Stretch the arms upward and rest in this pose for 60 seconds.


Variations: Practitioners can stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by the side or join together.

As a challenge, keep the eyes closed in the pose.

Restore yourself back to a healthy and active life with a regular practice of Yoga.

To know about these Yoga Poses in further detail, explore our Yoga Teacher Training In India.

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