Top 10 Benefits of Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana)

The Spiritual Power Of Chanting Gayatri Mantra (गायत्री मंत्र)

By Rishikul Yogshala

July 11, 2018

This goes without a doubt that true health isn’t just the absence of disease but the manifestation of an equilibrium state where the energy, mind, body, and soul are unified. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual science that helps the practitioners exist in a balanced state with a complete sense of awareness.

Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana) is one of the standing balancing yoga poses that equally benefits the front and back body,  increases a sense of being, and directs the individuals toward a state of deep stillness.

Top 10 Benefits of Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana)

Steps of Utthita Hasta Padangustasana:

1. Start the Extended hand-to-big-toe pose in Samasthiti. Bring the left knee to your stomach.

2. Extend the left arm and catch hold of the left foot. (Take the arm inside the thigh and cross it over the ankle).

3. Inhale, stretch the left leg forward. Unbent the knee fully.

4. Once you are steady, oscillate the left leg out to the side.

5. Breathe deeply as it assists in maintaining concentration.

6. Stay in this pose for 20- 30 seconds. Bring the leg to the center and release the foot to the ground with an exhalation. Practice the pose with the right leg on the other side for the equal time length.

Beginner’s Tip:

Support the elevated leg on a chair for retaining the pose for a longer duration.
Keep the chair two-three inches from the wall in order to press the raised heel actively into the wall.


Do not practice the pose if you have ankle or lower back injury.

Preparatory and Follow Up Poses

Perform Uttanasana and Supta padangusthasana before and adho mukha svanasana and bhujangasana after the Utthita Hasta Padangustasana.

Top 10 Benefits of Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana)

Top 10 Health Benefits of Utthita Hasta Padangustasana:

1. Effective Weight Loss: Forget rigorous workouts and boring diet plans, turn to the science of Utthita Hasta Padangustasana for an effective and healthy weight loss. The pose helps the practitioners in shedding extra pounds of weight in a safe manner while feeling fresh and healthy simultaneously.

2. Strengthens the Legs and Ankles: The Extended hand-to-big-toe pose is a standing balancing yoga posture that actively engages the legs and assists in building strength in them and the ankles. For physically active and balanced body, each organ and joint, including the legs and ankles should be healthy and strong.

3. Stretches the Muscles of the Raised Legs: In the extended hand to big toe pose, one leg is raised out to the side. As the practitioners raise one leg and hold the foot in the hand, they can feel a stretch along the entire leg that releases the tightness and pain in the hamstrings.

4. Helps with Digestive Problems: One of the top benefits of extended Hand to Big Toe Pose includes a healthy digestion. The extended hand to foot pose cures indigestion, bloating, and acidity, thus ensuring a healthy stomach and digestion.

5. Relieves Anxiety: We all feel burnt out due to stress and tension. There is no escape from it but surely a method to control the stress. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana is a potent remedy for relieving anxiety and feeling rejuvenated in the midst of a chaotic livelihood.

6. Strengthens the Nervous System: The Parasympathetic nervous system is the ideal mental state that every individual yearns for. Though, it is tough giving away to the monotony that we live in but not impossible. The extended hand to toe pose strengthens the nervous system helping the practitioners savor fruits of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Top 10 Benefits of Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana)

7. Revitalizes the Body: The daily practice of Utthita hasta padangusthasana effectively relieves tensions from the body through the action of stretching and thereby revitalizes the body. So, naturally charge up your energy batteries with Extended Hand to Toe Pose.

8. Opens the Hips: Extended Hand to Big Toe posture is an excellent hip opener yoga asana. The pose opens the hips allowing an energetic shift in the body. Tight hips overload the spine and restrict a good range of motion and blood circulation.

9. Develops Focus: Develop higher levels of concentration and focus through the Utthita Hasta Padangustasana. Fixing the drishti on one point along with a steady breathing is challenging but important for attentiveness.

10. Improves Sense of Balance: The Utthita Hasta Padangustasana grants the practitioners with a higher sense of balance– the psychological sense to help people prevent falls during standing and sitting.

Extend your hand and foot in the Utthita Hasta Padangustasana and attain the treasures of health, harmony, and peace in each sphere of life.

To Know more about Utthita Hasta Padangustasana, join yoga teacher training in India.

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