For some handstand is frightening and for many it is a source of empowerment. Whatever meaning it holds for you, once you gain wisdom about proper alignment and techniques, you start to feel strong in your arms and you fall in love with handstand yoga poses.
In contrast to the challenge, yoga hand poses are great to practice for experiencing a rush of energy, a change of perspective (upside-down) and to feel brighter.
- Anatomically in handstands, your entire body is active and engaged. Gluteus maximus, psoas major, spinal extensors, oblique muscles, etc. are activated.
- The upside-down position increases blood flow to the head thus enhancing its health and vitality. And, reversed blood flow in the legs and visceral region aids in the regeneration of tissues.
- Enhanced supply of oxygen and nutrients in the head result in greater mental wellbeing.
- Hand poses are associated with Sahasrara which affects cognitive abilities and awareness
- With handstands, you can connect with your higher self and the divine energy of the universe.
Are You Ready to Master The Handstands By Practicing Preparatory Yoga Poses:
- Plank Pose: Handstand yoga poses demand strong core and arms. Plank posture strengthens the wrists and body so that you get the necessary support required for doing yoga hand poses.
- Boat Pose: Navasana is synonymous with the core. By stretching the hamstrings and strengthening the hips, the boat pose help you take control of your lower body in inverted positions.
- Downward Dog: A beginner level inversion pose, for exploring proper body alignment. The pose also offers stretching and strengthening benefits.
- Child Pose: The key to master hand poses is patience. In Balasana, you release tensions and become calm, which in turn fosters groundedness and patience.
Well, in these preparatory handstand yoga postures and others, you will gain arm strength, balance, and confidence to take a step ahead in your yoga journey. Come Practice Handstand With Us:
Stage 1: To start, perform L stand at the wall. Come on your fours with heels at the wall. Bring one leg up at a time so that your foot is aligned with the hips. Slowly, unbent the knees of both the legs. Lengthen the sides, engage the abdominals, and roll the shoulders away from the ears, this L stand.
Stage 2: Next, turn around to face the wall in front of you. Rest your hands about 3-4 inches from the wall and come into a downward-facing dog pose. Check the alignment and play around with doing hops, donkey kicks, etc.
Stage 3: Now, slowly and gently lift up into a handstand. Keep the hips forward enough to the wall so that your legs can get above your hands. Find your balance by taking your feet off the wall.
Eventually, you prepare your body and mind for the 5 handstand yoga asanas. Take a look:
1. Downward Facing Tree Pose (Adho Mukha Vrksasana): It is an inversion tree pose, where you balance on your hands and raise your legs up high. With the practice of this pose, you can reap physical, mental and spiritual benefits, like strong body areas, emotional stability, energized crown chakra and more. Start in downward dog pose, lift the heels and shift the weight to the balls. One by one lift the legs up into standing splits and finally come into full handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana).

2. One-Handed Handstand (Eka Hasta Adho Mukha Vrksasana): One-Handed Handstand is the advanced version of Downward Facing Tree Pose. The pose elevates mood, confidence and supply of blood to the brain. When the brain is healthy, you feel good in your body. From the handstand, shift the weight to the right arm and try to balance along the midline. Rest the left arm alongside the legs.

3. Scorpion Handstand (Vrschikasana): Adding beauty and boldness to the handstands, the Scorpion Handstand. In addition to the handstand benefits, this asana offers stimulation to abdominal and reproductive organs, opens the chest and improves respiration. Those with neck, shoulder injuries, heart problems, headaches and high blood pressure should avoid the pose. Begin in a handstand, reach backward with your legs and as the spine arches, drop the feet towards the head. Gaze in a downward direction.

4. Handstand in Lotus Pose (Adho Mukha Vrksasana in Padmasana): A posture to practice to build strength, stability, and calm of body, mind, and soul. The pose is as much a mental exercise as it is a physical one. Start in Adho Mukha Vrksasana. Once you are stable in the pose, fold one leg in Half Lotus Pose. When the first folded leg is secure, begin to move the other leg in the same position to work into a Full Lotus Pose (Padmasana).

5. Handstand Split (Hanumanasana in Adho Mukha Vrksasana): The pose strengthens the entire back body and opens the hips. When done properly, the pose can be reinvigorating and mentally stimulating. First, perform a simple handstand against a wall. Then, take your feet off the wall, find your balance and split the legs.

Challenge yourself in Handstands and embark the journey of body-mind balance
and grace.