You get up at 6 am in the morning and instead of going for a walk in nature, you just get ready and catch the last bus to work on time. One magical thing you can experience in this life time is to dwell inside a body that stays in alignment with your goals and surroundings. However, the chaotic lifestyle throws everything out of whack and leaves you exhausted. Nothing wonderful comes out of a seed of monotony and your life is no different. Have you ever thought about silencing the cacophony within and sabotaging the clamor around? How about going back to ancient art practices that project a placid disposition and infuse you with energy? May be it is time to ditch the rat race and enwrap in the reverie of the forgotten ways to live life.
The art of Yoga & Meditation has captured the nerves of fitness aficionados. But, best believe that it can very well slash through the stress and give you the energy that has been missing in your life. This is how Yoga & meditation brings in a burst of energy into your life:
1. Kundalini Activation
Kundalini Shakti is the hidden source of light and energy inside a human body that stays dormant for most parts of your life. A known fact in the Eastern Yogic science, the power of Kundalini is gradually gaining some light in modern science as well. There have been significant studies in the domain that proved that practicing Yoga & meditation on a daily basis results in a surge of the energy levels. The Participants chant prayers and mantras that lead to the generation of high frequency vibrations within the body. This ancient art aids in the enlightenment of the Kundalini Shakti and brings about drastic transformation in the body and mental health. The surged energy levels results into recuperation from chronic ailments, an enhanced mental capability, and a sense of clarity while decision making and progressing.
2. Renewed Mitochondrial Activity
A study at the Harvard Medical School that was later published in the National Library of Science stated that people (age of respondents was above 40) who did Yoga on a daily basis felt energetic than they were before. The surge in the energy levels happens on the mitochondria or at the cellular level. The blood samples of the awakened respondents were subjected to a colorimetric assay for measuring the cell metabolic activity. Post the activity tests, it was revealed that there was a 100% surge in the energy levels, which boiled down to a whopping average of 967%. The results proved that practicing Yoga religiously for about 60 minutes every day can level up the quality of life and help people deal with stressful situations in a calmer way. This is a clear message for the present mass and the generations to come.
3. Balanced Chakras

If you are not aware of this precious fact then, it is good to know that your body comprises of 7 chakras – Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown chakra. All these chakras, when balanced, accounts for youthfulness, balanced emotions, and physical vigor. Stress, worries, and lack of physical activities are some of the reasons why these chakras within your body experience an imbalance. So, if you are touchy by nature, have anger issues, face troubles saving money, or feel lethargic in general, then know that your chakras are not balanced as they should be. The art of Yoga & meditation has an incredible power to manage the disparity. Continued practice of certain Yogic stretch poses and Pranayama enables a steady flow of oxygen throughout the body, improves gut health, and pacifies negative emotions, thereby, activating the dormant chakras and releasing the trapped energies.
4. Invigorated Hypothalamus
A study published on the International Journal of Yoga and promoted by The National Institute of Health speaks highly of Yoga & meditation. The aim of the study was to reveal possible therapeutic effects of yoga and to present an all-inclusive range of benefits of Yoga practice. It was revealed that this art has the power to transform the mental health of an individual. The proven scientific explanation states that Yoga results in an inhibition of the posterior area of the hypothalamus. This process tweaks the stress response system of your body by inhibiting the part of brain that accounts for negative emotions. This finally results into stimulation of the median forebrain area, which is also known as rewarding or pleasure centers of the human brain. Yoga & mediation together as a strict regimen can activate the state of bliss or pleasure within. Reduced stress leads to a happy mind and an energetic stature.
5. Increased Proprioception
It is impossible to feel energetic when you experience bouts of joint pain every other day or suffer from Arthritis in your 40s or 50s. Yoga is a savior when it comes to improvising Proprioception (latin “individual” pertinent to one’s own body parts and strength). Practicing Yogic poses like Sun Salutations, inversions, and forward bends improve flexibility, loosens up the muscles and the connecting tissues that surround the bones and joints. This leads to free limb movement and less pain so that you can enjoy a quality life without comprising on the energy levels. Apart from this, Twisting Yogic poses increases the levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which further leads to a hassle-free transportation of oxygen at the cellular level.
So, if you feel low in life and lethargic, then it is time to swirl and do Yoga pose for good.