by Rishikul Yogshala | Apr 8, 2019 | Yoga
Why not drift away from all your doubts, and practice Siddhasana yoga pose, that compliments your wishful thinking? What is Siddhasana? Siddhasana or an accomplished pose is a seated asana suitable for Meditation (dhyana) and Pranayama. This Hatha Yoga pose is named...
by Rishikul Yogshala | Apr 5, 2019 | Yoga
Ever stumbled upon something which could be for anyone and everyone? This Yoga pose is a fun way to get along with people and yourself! Savasana is a Sanskrit word, where ‘sava’ means corpse, and ‘asana’ means pose. It is famously known as the “sleeping...
by Rishikul Yogshala | Apr 3, 2019 | Yoga
Human mind is a complex mechanism. For thousands of years, sages and saints have been seeking to find that one great way to stop the unwanted blather that dampens the conscience. They meditated for days, called in the Divine powers and changed their ways of life, to...
by Rishikul Yogshala | Apr 1, 2019 | Yoga
As Karl Marx once said, “all that is solid will melt”, he foresaw the alterations that the society might have to go through midst the technological upgrades and the deepest impact of Globalization on the societies. In a communist manifesto, he forecasted that the...
by Rishikul Yogshala | Mar 27, 2019 | Yoga
The era of 2 minute noodle has taken a toll on our overall health. The diets devoid of nutrients, polluted air, and contamination in every next thing have crawled inside our immune system and have made it vulnerable in the most terrible way. Children aged 5 with...